Cel Phones and the Noble Savage

The Noble Savage – Photographs of First Earth Tribes I had the chance to meet Chris Rainier at one of his lectures five years ago. He was seated next to me, in the audience, waiting for his turn at the podium.  We struck-up a brief conversation regarding his time in Papua New Guinea which lead to …

Bacteriograph: Photographing with Bacteria

Zachary Copfer‘s Bacteriographs Zachary Copfer, a former microbiologist has now turned his science skills to his new passion:  photography.  He is pushing the envelope with an amazing photo printing technique that uses controlled bacteria to produce images instead of traditional dark room equimpment like developers and photo-sensitive papers. Copfer calls his technique “Bacteriographs” and he is …

Wanting a Professional Camera

I want a professional camera, what should I buy? Most photographers get asked this question by their friends.  Answering,  “It’s not the camera, it’s the photographer,” is very true, but it is not what most people want to hear. This is particularly true when people imagine you have expensive gear.  But you don’t need an …

Airport Scanners – Nude and Radioactive Photographs?

Airport Scanners – Nude and Radioactive Photographs? As a photographer and somebody working in radiated environments (Chernobyl), the issue of airport scanners intrigues me.  Are they safe?  Can you really see somebody naked?  Is the person in the back room secretly checking us out, or laughing at us?

One Life – International Photography Contest

Fardin Waezi One Life Winner – Jan Smith In October of 2010 I submitted to the One Life International Photography Contest and included the contest in my review of photography contests. Then I crossed my fingers and intentionally forgot all about it– I’ve worked myself up before, only to receive a “thank you, but no …