Jupiter Impacts
Jupiter is a rapidly changing planet. Last year it lost a stripe, and the big orange eye that is characteristic of the planet is actually a massive storm that is dissolving. The planet’s size creates a strong gravitational field that attracts meteors and comets. Here are some of the most spectacular images of impacts over the last years.
Jupiter Impact – September 10th, 2012
A gigantic meteor struck Jupiter this week, creating an explosion so massive that amateur astronomers looking through their telescopes here on Earth were able to see it. Amateur astrophotographer George Hall of Dallas, Texas happened to have a camera and telescope pointed at the planet at the time, and snagged some video footage of the fireball. Click on the image to play the video.

Jupiter Impact – June 3rd, 2010

Jupiter Impact with Comet Levy 9 – July 1994
Impacts the size of the Earth…